Easy Customs Clearance Fee Schedule and booking contract
Contract link here:
Follow the above link to our online secure customs booking contract
Our fees are as follows: For arriving during normal customs clearance hours - up to 3:30 PM Monday through Friday: For family pets - $160.00 - a family pet is a pet that an owner can prove prior ownership such as vet records. Newly purchased puppy or kitten - $190.00
**OVERTIME FEE FOR AFTER HOURS ARRIVALS** Scheduled arrivals after 3:30 pm will be an additional customs overtime of $100.
**SAME DAY clearance and rush of documents** $125.00 additional (if you were not a client already**
If a flight is scheduled to arrive during normal business hours and is delayed, there will not be any additional fees from us.
**Weekend arrivals are $200 additional for customs and admin overtime** - we highly advise against weekend arrivals, not all airports allow clearances on weekends.
All clients will be required to provide a government issued ID, a US Passport is preferred, state driver's license is allowed but customs may ask for additional information - if you are not a US citizen, a valid VISA is required.